Friday 30 July 2021



This term we are writing a lots of peoms and then Miss Hines will bind them into a book for us to take home. This week we have been doing limercks. I have completed to of them and here is one of them. What is your favourite type of poem to write?


  1. Kia ora Millah
    I enjoyed (well, actually a little bit grossed out!) to read your limerick. Hope you didn't base your poem around Freddie! You did make me laugh though which is a sign of a great writer. I really liked your Japan Man limerick, too. I enjoy writing rhyming poems. I hve written a few of these for people on special occassions. My 21st speech was a poem, too What type of poem are you going to have go at next? I think it is a great idea that you get to make a book full of your own poems. I am looking forward to reading them all!

  2. Hi Millah

    Hope everything is going well in your bubble?

    This is a very interesting limerick that you have written. I had to read it twice to make sure I had read it correctly.
    It did make me laugh! The image that you have put with it was great too.

    Well done and keep up the great work! I look forward to reading more of your work while you are learning from home!

    Until next time

    Mrs Costello :)

  3. Hi there Millah, I can't believe it's been 3 Monday's since I've seen you all in T2! This is a great wee limerick and makes me think I wouldn't want to come across this baby in a dark alley at night time - especially if it was next to a hill!
    Hopefully everything is ticking over alright at your place this lockdown. My cousin and his twin boys (8 years old) had to be in quarantine for 14 days in Auckland as they had gone to a Countdown Supermarket, but his wife hadn't, so she got to hang out child-free in the downstairs part of their house. But now that he's done his 14 days, he is still in lockdown at home. I think we're pretty lucky to be down here on the coast with room to get outside in the sun without heaps of other people around. Have a great week Millah! Miss J


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