Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Week 1 Day 1 Bonus Activity


  1. Hi Millah,

    Great work with your explanation as to why you would not like to be in a Waka Ama race. I think that teamwork would be very important and lots of practice to keep your paddling in time!

    You are right, it does look like a lot of strain on your muscles but I think that once you had finished the race it would be all worth it! The achievement would feel great!

    Is there a different water activity or team sport you would rather do?

    You have put some really great thoughts into your answer Millah, awesome job!

    Ellee :)

  2. Hi Millah,

    It's no problem I really liked reading your post!
    Wow! you must be really active! I think wake boarding and water skiing would be really hard?
    I have played touch, tennis and netball before though and I like all 3!
    I used to play C/WA - what about you?

    Ellee :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.