This is a very generous way of spending the $300 million dollars! I like how you have thought about how you can use the money to help people who may be less fortunate or people who would really benefit from your help. Go you! The way you have presented this blog post reminds me a bit of a brainstorm. This looks very effective. Well done!
Do you know how many students there are in your school? I wonder how you would buy that many iPads? How would you transport all these iPads to school? You'd probably need a huge truck or something!
Kia ora Millah,
ReplyDeleteThis is a very generous way of spending the $300 million dollars! I like how you have thought about how you can use the money to help people who may be less fortunate or people who would really benefit from your help. Go you! The way you have presented this blog post reminds me a bit of a brainstorm. This looks very effective. Well done!
Do you know how many students there are in your school? I wonder how you would buy that many iPads? How would you transport all these iPads to school? You'd probably need a huge truck or something!
Keep up the great blogging!
Noho ora mai,
Emiely :)