Friday 21 December 2018

SLJ - Week 1 - Day 3 - Activity 1

Primrose Fuller is only found on Stewart Island in NZ.
Here is a photo of Miss Primrose Fuller :)


  1. Bula Millah

    You really enjoyed using your drawing skills in this activity. 'Primrose' looks a very cute beast. I bet you Harry Potter would like to come across her in the Forbidden Forest -way less scarier than half the beasts in the series. I am glad she doesn't have 6 siblings as that would be triky to walk for her! If you were a beast, you would have a heart under your eye, too, as you are very kind, too! Gurshroom sounds delicious - love how you included 'a hint of chilli' - sounds like you have been watching too many cooking shows! WOW! She runs pretty fast (and with 3 legs). Imagine how she would run with 6!!

    Love Mum

  2. Hi Millah

    I have to say this is one of the best fantastic beast presentations that I have seen. You have really made a great effort with this post. I love that you have drawn the beast yourself and not used your chrome book. Well done! I have just put this on my Google plus profile as my post of the week. I just love it.
    I want to go to Stewart Island to meet this little beauty!
    I am sure that she would fit into the world of the fantastic beasts so well. And I am sure that Newt would think so too.
    You have included so many details which is awesome. I like that we know exactly what she eats, looks like (thanks to your picture) feels like, an her super powers. She sounds like she has a great personality too.
    Not sure if I would like to read minds. Sometimes I don't think I would like to know what people are thinking.

    I am blown away Millah this is awesome. Well done!
    You have made my week and it is only Tuesday !!

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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