Monday 16 December 2019

SLJ - W1 / D2 / A2

Apollo 11 =


  1. Hi Millah

    Welcome back to the Summer Learning Journey, Great work with your diamante poem. Once again you have made a really great job of this activity. I really like the layout of your post. It is just great!
    Imagine going to the moon! Is this something you would like to do?
    I know at one stage there was talk about being about to boo a ticket on a rocket going to the moon just like going on a plane to Australia!
    Don't think I would like to go to the moon! I would be too scared of not being able to get back again.

    Great to see the effort that you are putting into all of your activities. Don't forget to leave lots of comments too. Molly has been very busy, so go and check our her blog!

    Keep up the great work!

    Until next time


  2. Hi Millah, Katelynn here!

    This is a great presentation. I like how you have made it colourful and chosen some great images. Your poem is great! I like the words you have chosen, they are awesome.

    What was your favourite part of this activity?

    Keep up the great work Millah!



Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.