Wednesday 18 December 2019

SLJ - W1 / D4 / A2

Winter -


  1. Kia Ora Millah, Katelynn here!

    Winter is a beautiful name! I love how there is a reason behind why you choose this name. If I were to re-name myself I have 4 different options (Katey, Olivia, Sydney and Jordyn). I really like these names.

    Your presentation looks really good, I like how you included a image and made the image and colours match. It looks great. This reminded me of when I completed this activity.

    What was your favourite part of completing this activity?
    Do you have any other names you would like to re-name yourself?

    Keep up the great work Millah!


  2. Hi Millah
    I love the name Winter. You have thought of 3 great reasons to call yourself winter.
    Keep it up

  3. Hi Millah,

    This is such a fun activity to do. I really like the name Winter! That is a really interesting choice.
    What is the movie where this is the main character?
    The only movie I can think of it Captain America where there is a winter solider. But that is not his name.

    I am not sure what I would change my name to if I had a choice. I can remember when I was younger, at primary school like you. I wanted to call myself Jennifer as I thought that was a cool name!

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas and are enjoying your holidays so far.

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  4. Hey Millah!

    It’s Matilda from the Summer Learning Journey. You made such a good start to the Summer Learning Journey but I haven’t seen any posts from you in a while! It would be really cool to see you come back and do a few more activities! Remember you don’t have to do the activities in order! You can have a look through them all and decide which ones you like the look of!

    I’m hoping to see some posts from you soon!

    Matilda :)


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.