Sunday, 7 January 2018

Week 3 Day 3 Bonus Activity

1 comment:

  1. Hi Millah

    Wow! What an idea that one is. A water slide from the top of the two storied block. Very interesting.
    How do you think Mrs O will react to this?
    You make a good point about the Recreation centre pool being closed which is a real shame for the kids over the summer. It would be great if we at least still had a pool at school.
    Sounds kind of dangerous to have a water slide off the roof. It is really high up there. Don't you think kids might be silly and end up getting hurt?
    I like that you have thought of everyone including Leah. Not sure how she would go in her wheelchair!
    You make a convincing argument in your letter, I would like to know just what Mrs O'Sullivan thinks of this.
    Maybe we might have to run it by her when school starts.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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