Wednesday 19 December 2018

SLJ - Week 1 - Day 1 - Activity 1


  1. Hi Millah

    Welcome back to the Summer Learning Journey for the 2018 summer. You have made a great start to the programme. I really like the presentation of this activity. Although I would not expect anything else!!
    You have chosen some really good facts about New Zealand. I really like that you have included sign language as one of the official languages of New Zealand. Not everyone recognises that, so well done!
    The images that you have added almost make it interesting to read.
    Remember when you add images to your posts you need to attribute them. I will put a link below. If you copy and paste this into your browser then it will tell you how to do this.​

    Well done Millah, keep up the good work!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Bula Millah

    I am super impressed with how you are presenting your SLJ posts. You are very creative and choose a different layout every time. You really think about the layout, colours and fonts you use so that your audience is easily able to read your posts. Did you know the 'long white cloud' was actually the Southern Alps that stretched nearly the whole length of the South Island? I love how you included the 3 official languages as you are passionate about NZSL like me!
    I love how as soon as school finished you were so excited about starting the SLJ! It was good though that we had no internet reception at Le Bons, or I think you would have been doing it over there, as well!!

    Keep working hard, gorgeous!
    Love Mum


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