Sunday 6 January 2019

SLJ - Week 3 - Day 4 - Activity 1

Link for background photo - CLICK HERE


  1. Hello, Millah,

    I'm one of the commenters for the Summer Learning Journey. Nice work on completing the activity. Really informative in terms of the experience, when to see it, and what to expect, really! And nice touch on adding the link to the background picture - helps to avoid plagiarism! :D

    Moving away from the poem itself, the layout stands out as being creative for me with its rainbow colouring :) keep up the good work!


    1. Ola Willy

      Thanks for your comment Willy!
      I haven't seen the Southern Lights but I would love to see them. The lights seem really magical. Have you ever seen the lights??
      Thanks again Willy. :) :)

      Millah xxx


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.