Monday 7 January 2019

SLJ - Week 4 - Day 1 - Activity 1

Link for Dame photo - CLICK HERE 
Link for WOW logo photo - CLICK HERE


  1. Hi Millah! My name is Mia from Yaldhurst Model School and I am also one of the participants of the summer learning journey. Wow! I love the drawing that you have put your questions on, it is so eye catching! I love the colorful boxes and your questions are really thoughtful. This reminds me of when our class (only year 5 and 6) did our own wearable art, making it out of different used materiels. To improve your post, can you add a introduction so it hooks the reader in.

    Great work!

  2. Ola Mia

    Thank you for your comment!!!
    When your class made your wearable arts what did you make yours out of??? I could have added in an introduction in my post, it could have made the post one bit better. A long time my mum was a student teacher at Yaldhurst Model school and she loved teaching at your school.

    Millah xxx

  3. Kia Ora Millah!

    It's Katelynn here!

    I really like your questions and how each shape the question is in has a different colour it looks really effective. I also like how you have added 2 pictures of Dame and of the WOW logo. The font that you have chosen for the questions is really cool and looks amazing.

    Maybe next time you could add some facts you learnt. This reminded me of when I did this activity.

    Keep up the great work Millah!


    1. Hey Katelynn

      Thanks for another kind comment on my blog.
      I LOVED all of the positive things you said in the comment, it was really nice. I think that it would have been a great idea to add some facts that I learnt. Before I did this activity I didn't know who made up WOW, so that was something I learnt. You are also doing some amazing posts for the SLJ, too.
      Good luck for the rest of the programme!

      Millah xxx


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comments.