Friday, 18 January 2019

SLJ - Week 4 - Day 5 - Activity 2

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  1. Hi Millah

    Well! There wouldn't be much room left at your house if you have lions and elephants in your back yard. But how cool would that be?
    The lion cubs are so cute they really are just bigger versions of our domestic cats. Imagine one of them sleeping on your bed!
    Having elephants roaming around the yard would be so awesome. You could get really friendly with them and have so much fun.
    It might be a little bit too warm here for the penguins unless you keep them in a big walk in freezer.
    Imagine your dog with a lion cub to play with in the back yard! Crazy but cool.
    Have you read the book 'Christian the Lion' all about lion that lived with some men in England. Check out this link.

    I have the book in the library at school, it is a really good book to read. I am sure you would like it.

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Bula Millah

    I always wanted to have a lion cub for a pet when I was younger, ever since watching The Lion King. I wasn't that keen on it growing up though as it may have eaten me for tea. I don't think that I would like a penguin as that would mean I would have to live somewhere cold and I hate being cold! Would you remember to feed your new pet? Your track record with the dog isn't the best! Haha! We do have lots of spare paddocks now the cows have gone so we would definitely have room for the elephant! The book Allie has recommended sounds good, we should read it as our bedtime book this term.

    Love Mum


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