Thursday, 16 September 2021

Kai e pai ana ahau, Millah

 This week is Te Reo Maori week and in class we had to make a presentation a write 5 things/foods we like and 5 things/foods we dislike. Here is my presentation.

Friday, 6 August 2021

Friday, 30 July 2021



This term we are writing a lots of peoms and then Miss Hines will bind them into a book for us to take home. This week we have been doing limercks. I have completed to of them and here is one of them. What is your favourite type of poem to write?

Friday, 18 June 2021

Book Week 2021

Book Week 2021 

This week we had Book Week. On Wednesday we had Wackey Waka Wedsenday Walk we had to dress up wackey in our waka colours. I am in blue so I had to dress up in blue then as a waka we had to do a walk infront of the other waka. 

Book Day. Today you had to dress up in one of our favourite book character. I dress up as The Queen of Hearts. 

Each year you have to decorate your door. We did ours with T3 here is what it looked like. 

Friday, 21 May 2021

Chapter 6 Questions

Every chapter we read we have to do 5 questions about that chapter. This is mine from chapter 6. On the right side we have to do an activity about the book and not always about that chapter. For chapter 6 we had to make a book cover. I have already posted it if you want to know how that turned out. 

Book Cover

We are reading 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' for the class novel and one of the task was to make another cover for the book. This is mine. 

Friday, 16 April 2021

Animals at War

 Anzac, Animals at War

One of the activties for Anzac was to choose a topic about it. I choose animals. Here is my slide about Anzac animals.

Thursday, 1 April 2021

MCD Report

 McDonalds Report

McDonalds is the second most popular fast food restaurant (after Subway) internationally, with 38,696 locations in the world. It is many people's first job. It is a restaurant that sells burgers to fries. You can dine in or go in the drive thru to

make your travel faster.

There are plenty of McDonald’s restaurants but there are 105 countries that don’t

have it. Jamaica, Yemen and Ghana are some of the 105 countries that don’t have

Mcdonald’s. In New Zealand McDonald’s is the most popular fast food restaurant

with around 1 million people visiting McDonalds every week. Which is ⅕ (20%) of our


On the McDonald's menu they have over 140 items you can buy. There are two

popular parts of Mcd’s. There is the main one Mcd and the other which is Mccafe.

Mccafe sells muffins to custard tarts. Mccafe sells hot and caffeine drinks as Mcd

sells fizzy and frozen drinks. The most popular food at Mcd is no other than the

fries. The BigMac is closely behind the hot chips. Most people will probably think

one of the top foods is the double/single cheese burger but it is the 9th most

popular. Did you know that Mcd is resling 4 new burgers and hot and spices nuggets

with hot sauce. The new burgers are the Mcplant, Spicy Crispy Chicken Sandwich,

Deluxe Crispy Chicken Sandwich and Crispy Chicken Sandwich. 

The first Mcd fast food restaurant started in San Bernardino, California in 1948.

The creators of Mcd were the McDonald brothers, Richard and Maurice.  The CEO

nowadays is Chris Kempczinski. In Porirua in Wellington in 1976 the first McDonald's opened in New Zealand. Now there is a care home where you can go if you need care help. The first care home was in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States. It opened on 15 October 1974. 

McDondals is a good way to get food fast when you need it and it is accessible since it is in most countries. 

Wednesday, 10 March 2021

My Identity Poem

At the start of the year one of our task was to make a identity poem. We got to choose out of three different types of peoms. I made two different ones and the one I liked the most I diecded to post. Here is my poem I hope you like it.

Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Missing poster

 For one of the activities about the class book is to make a missing poster for Micheal. Here is my one I have made.

Friday, 19 February 2021

Book Cover - Kensuke's Kingdom

This week we had to make our own cover for the class novel. The book we are reading is 'Kensuke's Kingdom'. I have really enjoyed this book so far. If you havn't read this book before, I recomend it. 

What is your favourite Micheal Morpurgo book?

This is my book cover I made (left) and this is the cover of the book we have (below).